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The Complete Guide to Cement Rendering: Tips from Building Contractors

The Complete Guide to Cement Rendering: Tips from Building Contractors

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Introduction to Cement Rendering

Cement rendering is a popular choice among building contractors for creating a durable and attractive finish on both interior and exterior surfaces. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about cement rendering, including its benefits, preparation, application, and maintenance.

What is Cement Rendering?

Cement rendering is the process of applying a mixture of cement, sand, and water to a surface to create a smooth, textured, or patterned finish. This versatile technique can be used on a variety of substrates, including brick, concrete, and stone.

Benefits of Cement Rendering

  • Durability: Cement render is highly resilient and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making it an excellent choice for exterior applications.
  • Aesthetics: With a wide range of textures and colors available, cement rendering can enhance the appearance of any building.
  • Insulation: Cement render can improve the thermal insulation of a building, reducing energy costs.
  • Fire resistance: Cement render is non-combustible, providing an additional layer of fire protection to a structure.

Choosing the Right Building Contractors

When selecting building contractors for your cement rendering project, consider the following factors:

  • Experience: Look for contractors with a proven track record in cement rendering.
  • Reputation: Read reviews and ask for references to ensure you choose a reliable and trustworthy contractor.
  • Licences and insurance: Verify that your chosen contractor is properly licensed and insured.
  • Communication: Choose a contractor who communicates clearly and promptly addresses your concerns.

Preparing the Surface for Cement Rendering

Proper surface preparation is crucial for achieving a long-lasting and high-quality cement render finish. Follow these steps:

Remove any dirt, dust, grease, or loose material from the surface using a pressure washer or a stiff brush.

Fill any cracks, holes, or imperfections with a suitable filler or patching compound, and allow it to dry completely.

Apply a primer or bonding agent to the surface to improve adhesion and reduce the risk of cracking or delamination.

Mixing the Cement Render

To create a consistent and high-quality cement render mix, follow these guidelines:

  • Use a ratio of 1 part cement to 3-4 parts sand, depending on the desired texture and strength.
  • Add water gradually, mixing thoroughly until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • For colored cement render, add the pigment to the dry mix before adding water.
  • Mix only the amount of render that can be used within 30-60 minutes to avoid setting.

Applying the Cement Render

First Coat
Apply the first coat of cement render using a steel trowel or a rendering machine, ensuring an even thickness of approximately 10-15mm. Use a straight edge to level the surface and remove any excess render.

Allow the first coat to cure for at least 24 hours, keeping the surface moist by misting it with water periodically.

Second Coat
Apply the second coat of cement render, typically thinner than the first coat, at a thickness of 5-10mm. Use a float or a sponge to create the desired texture or pattern.

Once the second coat has set, use a damp sponge or a plastic float to smooth out any imperfections and create a consistent finish.

Curing and Maintenance

Proper curing and maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity and durability of your cement render finish.

Keep the rendered surface moist for at least 7 days after application, either by misting it with water or covering it with plastic sheeting.

If desired, paint the rendered surface using a high-quality, breathable masonry paint after the surface has cured completely.

Regularly clean the rendered surface using a low-pressure washer and a mild detergent to remove any dirt or stains. Inspect the surface annually for any cracks or damage, and repair as necessary.

Common Cement Rendering Issues and Solutions

Causes: Insufficient curing, excessive thickness, or structural movement. Solutions: Proper curing, applying render in thinner coats, and addressing any structural issues.

Causes: Poor surface preparation, contamination, or inadequate bonding. Solutions: Thorough cleaning and priming of the surface, and ensuring the render mix is correctly proportioned.

Causes: Moisture penetration, high cement content, or inadequate curing. Solutions: Proper curing, reducing cement content, and improving drainage around the building.

Choosing the Right Cement Render Finish

There are several types of cement render finishes to choose from, each with its unique appearance and texture.

Smooth Finish
A smooth finish is achieved using a steel trowel or a foam float, creating a sleek and contemporary look.

Textured Finish
Textured finishes can be created using a sponge, a brush, or a textured roller, adding depth and character to the surface.

Patterned Finish
Patterned finishes are created using special tools or stencils, allowing for a wide range of decorative designs.

Cost of Cement Rendering

The cost of cement rendering varies depending on several factors, such as:

  • Location
  • Surface area
  • Complexity of the job
  • Type of finish
  • Experience of the building contractors
    On average, expect to pay between $30 to $50 per square meter for a basic cement render finish.


Cement rendering is an excellent choice for creating a durable, attractive, and versatile finish on both interior and exterior surfaces. By following the tips outlined in this comprehensive guide and working with experienced building contractors, you can ensure a high-quality and long-lasting cement render finish for your project.

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