
Industry Related News

Applications open for energy balancing workshop

Applications open for energy balancing workshopStudents and building design enthusiasts are being offered the chance to learn the basics of one of the world’s most successful environmentally-friendly building solutions.
The Green.Building.Solutions. Summer School, Passivhaus Austria and the Passive House Institute of Innsbruck are hosting a DesignPH Workshop in the stunning city of Vienna to…

What you can do to deal with fly-tipping

What you can do to deal with fly-tippingFly-tipping is a growing problem across the UK. Many lawbreakers will illegally use large areas like building sites as a dumping ground. For those in the construction industry, it can be time consuming, hazardous and costly, having to deal with someone else’s illegally disposed rubbish. The following guide, produced by agricultural insurance specialists…

Strong Structures: 5 Construction Materials Used to Construct Durable Buildings

Strong Structures: 5 Construction Materials Used to Construct Durable BuildingsSince the dawn of time, mankind has constantly been evolving. Ancient Neanderthals took advantage of nature’s resources and used caves, forests, and mountainous regions as places of refuge. These natural shelters provided protection from the elements, ferocious predators, and rival tribes.
Throughout history, mankind…

Are UK gardens shrinking?

Are UK gardens shrinking?Alongside homes, which have halved in size when compared to those built in 1920, between 1983 and 2013 British gardens have shrunk from 168 metres squared to 163.2 metres squared.
Additionally, more than two million homes in the UK are without a garden at all according to figures released in 2010. The same study noted that by 2020, around 10.5% of homes would likely not…

How a roll-up banner can help maximise your ROI

How a roll-up banner can help maximise your ROIOnce you have your new banners and printed products for marketing, you have to consider where best to place them. Put them up in an ineffective location and you won’t see a good return on your investment!
We’ve teamed up with Where The Trade Buys, a UK-based print company who offers a variety of banners such as roll up banners, to take a look at…

How To Manage Dangerous Substances In The Workplace

How To Manage Dangerous Substances In The WorkplaceHow To Manage Dangerous Substances In The Workplace
Some industries are notorious for putting their workers at risk. In construction, for instance, news of workers falling from scaffolds, getting crushed by lorries, or cutting, burning or electrocuting themselves rarely make news headlines.
According to a study by health and safety consultant…


NOTTINGHAM’S FIRST MAJOR BUILD-TO-RENT SCHEME PROVES TO BE CATALYST FOR CITY’S SOUTHSIDEThe first large build-to-rent project in Nottingham, designed by architects maber and built by Winvic Construction for the Cassidy Group and Cording Real Estate Group is now on site.
The 350-apartment Saffron Court project is already proving a catalyst for the regeneration of the City’s south side with a…

Hidden Building Dangers Pose Grave Risks for Property Buyers

Hidden Building Dangers Pose Grave Risks for Property BuyersEvery property purchase presents potential risks for both buyer and seller, but it is the buyer who generally faces the greatest risks. Whether you are a homeowner, a small business entrepreneur or a developer, knowing what to look for when purchasing a home, building, factory or other edifice requires knowledge and assistance.


Tradespeople shake off stereotypes by choosing work over World Cup

Tradespeople shake off stereotypes by choosing work over World CupFor years, tradespeople have been tarnished with the reputation for prioritising football over work. Many members of the public see them as being a bit too eager to down tools and head to the nearest big screen.
However, recent research among tradespeople busts this myth.
The UK’s leading online trade supplier, IronmongeryDirect,…

Aarsleff Ground Engineering commences piling for 220,000sq ft extension, in Hull

Aarsleff Ground Engineering commences piling for 220,000sq ft extension, in HullClugston Construction awarded Aarsleff Ground Engineering the piling contract for a £25m extension to the National Distribution Centre in Hull for workwear and safety equipment supplier, Arco. The 220,000sq ft extension will double Arco’s current warehousing and logistics capacity. The build is part of Arco’s…

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