
Industry Related News

Bristol’s largest tower crane to be erected in city centre

Bristol’s largest tower crane to be erected in city centreNew milestone in the development of Castle Park View

significant milestone has been reached in the development of Castle Park View
this week as Bristol’s largest tower crane is to be erected against the city

102m high crane will remain a fixture for eighteen months as developer Linkcity
works wit…

The disruptors are here – new tech hits the headlines at UK Construction Week

The disruptors are here – new tech hits the headlines at UK Construction WeekConstruction
was told three years ago it had to ‘Modernise or die.’ That statement has
clearly resonated with parts of the sector with new technology and techniques
entering the industry, but what about the rest of the sector?

drive for innovation encouraged UK Construction Week (UKCW) to…

Can you REALLY spot the difference?

Can you REALLY spot the difference?Can
you REALLY spot the difference? 

Eagle-eyed builders are given the
challenge: tell us which one is not traditional brick 

A challenge is being set for thousands of
builders attending this year’s UK Construction Week â€“ spot which
façade is not made with traditional bricks. 

The competition aims to promote a…

These Construction Tools Can Permanently Damage Your Hearing

These Construction Tools Can Permanently Damage Your Hearing

Did you know that 1
million people in the UK are exposed to hearing-damaging noise at work?

If you work in
construction – you’re most likely aware that the industry is a noisy business.

But did you also
know that the sector has the second-highest rate of people developing
occupational deafness?

To …

Structural waterproofing qualification reaches international audience

Structural waterproofing qualification reaches international audienceStructural
waterproofing professionals from Australia tapped into expert training and
development expertise in the UK, under an intensive learning programme.

delegates from the east coast of Australia – who currently provide underground
waterproofing services – undertook the Property Care Association’s…

Crossrail sparks in pay row as more workers flood Bond Street

Crossrail sparks in pay row as more workers flood Bond StreetElectricians at Crossrail’s Bond Street Station site are unhappy about plans to flood the site with another wave of better paid sparks.

The existing workforce is holding a site meeting today to discuss possible industrial unrest on the delayed job.

It is understood that more than 50 new electricians are being hired on t…


is well underway to deliver the next phase of development at The Royal Liver
Building which will combine high quality office space alongside amenities,
health and wellbeing activities.

planning approval in 2018, contractors are now on site and the scheme is on
track to be completed by November 2019. Developed and managed by rea…

New Chief Executive for Considerate Constructors Scheme

New Chief Executive for Considerate Constructors SchemeThe Considerate Constructors
Scheme – the national organisation established to improve the image of
construction – is pleased to announce that Amanda Long will join as Chief
Executive from 16 September 2019.

Amanda will succeed Chief
Executive Edward Hardy who has held the post since 2009.

With over 20 years’…

UK’s first Oculus staircase installed at Cardiff Innovation Campus

UK’s first Oculus staircase installed at Cardiff Innovation CampusAn Oculus staircase, the first
of its kind in the UK, is being installed at Cardiff University’s cutting-edge Innovation Campus.

Bouygues UK, the
construction company building Innovation Campus, is working with Taunton
Fabrications to design and install the staircase, which is a sculptural, open

The UK 5G launch season is in full swing, but it is a pale shadow of what we need – 4G still reigns supreme

The UK 5G launch season is in full swing, but it is a pale shadow of what we need – 4G still reigns supreme5G has arrived – or has it? At the time of writing, EE, Vodafone and
Three have announced the availability of the UK’s first 5G networks, and O2 has
announced launch plans. The new services are surprisingly limited in geographic
coverage, performance and features, focussing…

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