How to Prepare for a Power Outage

Disasters can strike when you least expect them. The recent UK floods show that even the best-prepared areas can face serious infrastructure damage when rising water levels, turbulent winds or serious earthquakes occur.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing; it’s tough to prepare for a flood, earthquake or storm after it’s happened, so instead, the best way to fight against the effects of a natural disaster is to be prepared for it in advance.
We spoke to neXpower to learn more about how you can prepare for power outages – a common occurrence during floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Have first aid and food ready
When the power goes out, your oven, microwave, toaster, fridge and freezer will all stop working. Because of this, any perishable foods you have stored in your home will quickly become inedible.
Keep a stockpile of canned, non-perishable foods ready. Try to keep enough food to last for one week without any additional supplies, as well as enough drinking water to last for three weeks.
Prepare a first aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic solution and other important medication. Power outages often occur alongside natural disasters, making it vital that you can respond to injuries as quickly as possible.
Keep flashlights and candles ready
During the day, you will be able to rely on sunlight for visibility. At night, however, you will need a source of light to get around your home. Keep plenty of candles in your emergency preparation kit, as well as several durable flashlights.
It’s also essential that you keep a large supply of batteries so that your electrical devices can operate for at least a week. In a serious natural disaster, you could go without a stable electrical connection for one week, or occasionally even longer.
Need to cook? Prepare a gas stove
Electric ovens and microwaves won’t function during a power outage. Keep your kitchen operational by replacing them with a portable gas stove. This way, you’ll have no problem cooking great meals during the power outage.
If you have perishable foods stored in your fridge or freezer, try to eat them first before you eat any canned foods. Meat and dairy products will only last for a few days without refrigeration during winter, and often less than a day in summer.
When your power goes, take action
If your power suddenly cuts out, take action quickly to prevent it from becoming an issue. Check your neighbour’s home and see if their power is still connected – if it is, you may simply have a blown fuse or wiring issue in your home.
This is also a good opportunity to check that your neighbours are safe. If you have elderly or infirm neighbours, knock on their door and make sure that they’re okay before you contact the power company.
Call your power company immediately and alert them to the power cuts. Sometimes just one section of the power grid may be affected – if you alert the power company quickly, they may be able to restore your power.
Finally, have a source of backup power available. A small diesel generator is enough to power basic home appliances and lighting during a disaster, giving you peace of mind and comfort in an otherwise difficult situation.
It’s important to be prepared
Don’t put off disaster preparation until the last minute. Browse generators for sale from neXpower and keep yourself and your family safe and secure in the event of a flood, earthquake or other serious natural disaster.
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