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How To Choose the Right Generator for Your Home

How To Choose the Right Generator for Your Home

The post How To Choose the Right Generator for Your Home appeared first on UK Construction Blog.

Are you considering buying a generator for your home or business but not sure what size to go for? Since the creation of the generator, they’ve been an asset to large and small businesses all around the world. But one question plagues almost everyone who considers getting one. What size do you get? So, if this is you, you’re not alone. We’ve all asked that at some point.

However, today, we plan to give you a conclusive answer to that question to help you choose the best generator for your needs. Here’s how you can choose the right generator for your home!

How to Determine Your Generator Size

These days, you can purchase some pretty massive generators. For instance, you can get a 50MW generator. To put that into perspective, 1MW equals 1000 kVA, meaning that this generator is 50,000kVA genny.

Let’s be honest, though; you might not be able to do that after buying a 500kVA generator or a 50MW generator for your home, right? But still,  knowing what’s available to you is at least a bonus. You need to be able to consider your options. Here’s how we’d suggest choosing the size of your generator:

Consider what you need to run on the generator

The first step to choosing the right-sized generator is to look around the house or business for what you want or need to run. For example, do you need it to run your fridges, TV, lights, computers, aircon etc? The more you want to run on the generator, the larger it will need to be. 

You’d also want to consider how many watts each appliance uses. Some appliances have changeable settings, so they might use more power when they are in the highest settings. Like a heater, for instance. Heaters already produce electricity, but if you turn them to the highest heat setting, they’ll use more.

You should find the wattage on your appliance at the bottom or underneath it depending on where the manufacturers put the serial number. If you can’t find it then check the user manual as well.

Working out your total wattage

Now, it’s time to calculate the wattage required to power all of your appliances. So, grab a calculator, copy down all the figures for each appliance and add them together. Keep in mind that you want to work out the final amount with the running watts and starting watts because of the differences some appliances have. For instance, all of your appliances need 1600w to run properly, which gives you a good indicator of the generator size you’d need.

Choosing a generator

This is where things get a little simpler. It’s time to choose a generator. Remember, you want a generator that’s able to handle the total wattage comfortably; if not, you’re going to put the generator under strain, and it’ll probably not last as long. In general, it’s better to purchase a generator that’s slightly more capable than the basic output that it needs to give. So, in your case, if your total wattage is 1600W, then we’d aim for a 2000W generator or more. This just gives you more power to play with, making the generator more future-proof.

Factors to think about when buying a generator

There are also a few other factors to consider other than what you’ll use the generator for. Here’s what we’d suggest you consider as well:

There are different fuel types

Generators usually run on different fuels. So, there’s a diesel generator and a petrol generator. Usually, businesses that require huge generators choose the diesel generator because it burns slower allowing the fuel to last longer. It’s a more cost-effective option for them. But petrol generators are also still decent and they’ll get the job done.

Consider the size of the generator

Usually, the more power a generator has, the bigger it will physically be. Some generators can weigh up to two tons, so you really need to consider the physical size of the generator before you get it. Think about whether it can be stationary or if you need to cart around with you. If it’s too heavy, then it might not be ideal for on-the-go use. But if it’s designed to sit in one place, then it being too heavy is fine. Just make sure you have enough space for it.

What type of generator do you want?

Yes, there are different types of generators, too. Each has its benefits and different uses, which you need to consider before buying one. Here are your options:

  • Inverter generators use advanced technology to produce clean and stable energy. They are quieter, more fuel-efficient, and safe for sensitive electronics like laptops and phones.
  • These small units are perfect for low-power tasks like charging your phone on a camping trip or running an electric tool at home. They are easy to transport and affordable but can’t power a whole house or construction site.
  • These large, stationary units can power an entire house or building during an emergency. They turn on automatically, ensuring no downtime. However, their size and capability come with a higher price.
  • Designed to be hitched to your vehicle, towable diesel generators provide portable power wherever needed. They are ideal for off-grid construction sites or outdoor events, offering a complete, mobile power system.

Can you handle the noise level?

Lastly, before you dive into buying a generator, keep in mind that they are pretty noisy, and they get worse the bigger they get. So, while they may be necessary, you might want to shop around for a generator that’s going to produce less noise. Or, you could consider designing an area for your generator to reduce the noise it makes. Many people build a generator housing outside or near the main electrical box to reduce the noise. This all depends on the area, though.

Final Thoughts

Getting a generator for your home or business is a beneficial investment. It’ll save you on fridge defrosting from an unplanned power outage or from missing the game. But all this depends on choosing the right generator which we hope you’re able to do with the steps above. Happy shopping!

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