Flat roof construction

Flat roof construction
Is a flat roof actually flat?
A flat roof is a roof that’s more or less level compared to a number of other kinds of slanted roofs known as inclined roofs. The flat roof is usually of low cost and is considered economical since it involves the least construction requirements. Flat roof construction has been an existing form most especially found in arid tropical climates where they help conserve energy. This kind of roof lets cool air from inside the building to enter the space under the roof and warm the interior during the summer months and prevent excessive heat from coming in the cooler evenings. This helps keep the temperature normal in the premises.

There are various materials for flat roofs such as wood, asphalt shingles, concrete and gypsum. There are several advantages that these materials have over the others. Wood is an extremely flexible and light weight material that makes it ideal for construction purposes. This kind of roofing offers easy maintenance while being affordable and long lasting. Asphalt shingles are also a common choice because of their fire retardant properties and also the fact that they come in a variety of colors. Concrete is considered the strongest kind of material available in the market today and is the most preferred because it’s weather resistant which enables the structure to last even under extreme climatic conditions.
What is the best material to use on a flat roof?
It is very important that you choose the best flat roofing materials that would suit your needs and budget. The right materials should be selected based on your location and climatic conditions. If you live in an area where there’s frequent rainfall, then you should choose slate or tile roofs since they are water resistant and offer good insulation. The right roofing materials and their installation should be properly monitored and inspected by a professional to ensure that the roof reaches its full life span.
One of the common materials used is tar or bitumen. Tar and bitumen are commonly used as roofing materials, especially on industrial buildings. However, the main disadvantage of using tar or bitumen is that they have a foul odor that is quite unpleasant to the seller. Also, these tar and bitumen roofs often experience problems with algae growth and other water-thriving microorganisms if not properly maintained. Moreover, the tar and bitumen are difficult to clean and require regular cleaning and maintenance.
What fall should a flat roofs have?
Another type of flat roofing is the ponding water roof. Like the tar and bitumen roofs, the main advantage of ponding water roofs is that they are both water resistant and can be easily cleaned and maintained. However, the major disadvantage is that there is always a risk of leak if the roof isn’t properly sealed and covered during the rains.
Fiberglass flat roofs are quite popular these days because they are cheap and easy to maintain. The only disadvantage of this type of roof is that it often experiences a leak when the temperature rises. Burlap roofs, also known as sheathing roofs, are made out of woven burlap or felt and are great for locations where the climatic conditions are ideal. Burlap roofs are also great because they have the potential of being reused, which adds to its environmental benefit.
Other types of flat roofs include gable, pitched roofs, wood shake and green roofs. Gable and pitched roofs have the potential of being quite attractive, but are also prone to leaking since the sides of the gable or pitched roof are at an angle. Wood shakes and green roofs, on the other hand, are designed to function as one continuous material, with no pitch.
One of the most unique forms of flat roofing is the installation of a gravel roof or gutter. This gravel is placed underneath the flat roof and is then protected with a waterproofing membrane. Although it is unique, it is one of the least expensive options available and creates an attractive and durable addition to any home.

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