Experience ‘ground engineering’ in virtual reality with Aarsleff this Summer

Experience ‘ground engineering’ in virtual reality with Aarsleff this Summer
This summer, Aarsleff Ground Engineering are inviting their valued
clients to experience the virtual world of ground engineering at their Head
Offices in Newark, Nottinghamshire.
Guests will be shown to the company’s VROOM where they will
be given a short tutorial before leaving reality and entering Aarsleff’s ‘virtual’

Equipped with a state-of-the-art VR headset, user’s will be
taken through a 6-minute guided tour around the ‘Aarsleff World’, exploring
some of the company’s core specialist ground engineering techniques – both
above and below ground. Traversing through Rail, Commercial, Residential,
Mining and Industrial zones, the user will be able to take a closer look at
rigs and machinery by leading innovators Junttan, Klemm and Movax and
experience the ground engineering techniques that the Aarsleff organisation
deliver on site every day.
Aarsleff teamed up with leading UK 3D technology and software
development studio Luminous Group back in October 2018 to develop the virtual
reality application, and have since developed a close working relationship with
the organisation for the development of future digital initiatives.
The experience has been created using the latest Unity games
engine and HTC Vive Pro headset providing full natural interaction with six
degrees of freedom and high-quality visuals. Users can view a mini table top
view of the Aarsleff world or fly down to see interactive cut always of the
ground below. Games engines with their real time rendering capabilities and
ability to port content to multiple devices and platforms are becoming the
preferred choice for creating interactive computer graphics, VR experiences and
visual effects.
Aarsleff’s Marketing and Communications Manager said: “Finding ways to visualise and engage with
ground engineering techniques can be challenging – everything our specialist
industry does is underground or soon covered up. The new virtual reality
application makes it possible for our users to experience ground engineering
techniques in a more dynamic and accessible way than ever before, and this is
what makes it really unique”.
With half a million workers set to retire over the next 10
years, the application has primarily been designed to address the growing
skills shortage in the construction sector with a view to help attract the next
generation of digitally native gamers into the industry. The application has
been designed to both appeal to a new entrant into the field of construction,
and an already established geotechnical engineer who would like to understand
more about Aarsleff’s products and services including Drilling and Grouting,
Soil Nails, Driven Piling, Mini Piling and Sheet Piling.
Managing Director Kevin Hague said: “In embracing VR, we also hope to tackle the
challenge that ‘young people are not interested in construction’ by rolling out
the virtual application at careers fairs and university shows. Students and
aspiring engineers will be able to walk around on an Aarsleff site, helping
them to understand several ground engineering disciplines and learn about the
machinery operated on site – all whilst in a safe and engaging way”.
The Newark-based specialist contractor are
exclusively inviting a selection of clients to their offices to experience
their new VR application over the summer period, after which point the program
will then be exhibited at careers fairs and shows and for all other interested
parties to experience on a pre-booked basis.
For more information
about Aarsleff Ground Engineering visit www.aarsleff.co.uk or contact a member of staff on +44 (0) 1636
More information on Luminous Group can
be found at https://www.luminousgroup.co.uk/ and Ben Bennet can be contacted on +44 (0)
191 375 9040.
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