Crow to take O.C.O Technology to new heights in sustainability

Crow to take O.C.O Technology to new heights in sustainability
Environmental industry expert Martin Crow has joined
carbon capture technology specialists O.C.O Technology as a consultant to
spearhead the launch of a new sustainability programme.
It marks the latest stage in Crow’s award-winning
career which spans over 40 years, including more than two decades with Hanson
UK, most recently as senior sustainability manager.

Steve Greig, managing director of O.C.O Technology,
sees his involvement as a “real coup� for the business, which uses its Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT)
process to treat a wide range of thermal wastes, producing
the world’s first truly carbon negative aggregate M-LS (short for Manufactured
It is suitable for a wide range of applications across the construction industry, including blocks,
precast and ready-mix concrete.
“We know that as we continue to grow on the
international stage and broaden our areas of expertise, customers want to know
that our world-leading technology is underpinned with a clear commitment to
environmental and sustainability policies,� said Greig.
“Martin is very well-known and highly-respected within
the minerals environmental sector and we can think of no-one better in terms of
industry expertise and knowledge to help us deliver those goals.�
Crow, who was recently presented with an MPA Special
Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Mineral Products Association, will be
focusing on areas including attainment of the BRE’s BES 6001 certification on
responsible sourcing of construction products; and working towards achieving an
Product Declaration (EPD), which focuses on the life-cycle environmental impact
of products.
Crow commented: “I am delighted to be working
alongside the O.C.O Technology team. The innovative processes they have
developed combine the circular economy with carbon utilisation and are already
delivering impressive benefits, not only to the construction industry, but also
in terms of treatment options for the waste sector.
“I look forward to developing the necessary strategies
and protocols around a strong sustainability platform that will help shape the
business into a global force in years to come.�
M-LS gains its carbon negative credentials because more carbon
dioxide (CO2) is permanently captured than is generated
during its manufacturing process.
For every tonne of M-LS aggregate used, 1.4 tonnes of natural aggregate is
In 2019, it is
estimated that M-LS BlockMix, specially formulated for use in concrete masonry
blocks, was used in well over 25 million blocks – the equivalent to building
more than 10,000 three-bedroom homes.
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