Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
March 2, 2015
The deal marks the firm’s first foray as a major housing developer in the UK and saw it fend off rival bids from a Mace, Argent and Peabody consortium and specialist developer Grainger. Balfour Beatty’s UK construction arm will deliver all construction, which is expected to generate £400m, while the group’s investment arm injects £35m of equity over eight years, representing 50% of the equity required. The development will be constructed in phases over eight years creating 50 apprenticeships and sustaining 350 construction jobs at the peak of construction. The transformational project at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London is being delivered in a 50:50 joint venture with Places for People, which will manage sales and letting. It will create two new neighbourhoods, to be called East Wick and Sweetwater, with …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 26, 2015
Between the years 2009 and 2014, male workers in the UK were on average 20.75 times more likely than their female counterparts to suffer a fatality at work. This is despite the fact women currently make up 47% of the UK workforce[1]. The most recent data for the years 2013/14 indicate that a total of 85 men died whilst at work, compared to the total female death toll of four. Of these, 42 deaths were related to construction. Fatal falls, which again were most prevalent in the construction industry, accounted for three in every ten worker deaths. A full illustration of the year on year comparative data between the genders can be found here. This infographic shows the prevalence of male mortality rates in the UK workforce compared to females, per average 100,000 …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 25, 2015
The growth spurt in house building activity enjoyed by much of the industry could be coming to an end. According to the latest Government figures housing starts climbed again last year rising by 10% to 137,010. This growth comes on the back of a 36% rise on 2012 and 59% jump from the trough in 2009. But the latest quarterly figures also suggest activity may have peaked before getting anywhere near the output levels required. Seasonally adjusted housing starts in England are estimated at 29,800 in the December quarter 2014, a 10% decrease compared to 33,250 starts in the September quarter, which itself was down 10% on Q2. Completion figures, which always lag behind starts, are running at only 118,760, well below the 245,000 homes a year target widely accepted by all political parties as …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 20, 2015
Travelodge has revealed plans to build more than 150 new hotels over the next eight years. The development programme will see 20 to 25 hotels opening every year. It is a step-up on the current construction programme which will see nearly £100m spent in 2015 opening 15 new hotels. Peter Gowers, Travelodge Chief Executive said: “We are well underway with our plans to build new Travelodge. “We’re investing more than £100m in modernising our hotels for our customers and we now have 87% of guest rooms upgraded to our new look. “In 2015 we are opening 15 new hotels, creating 400 new jobs and extending our network still further. “With our modernised hotels and unbeatable value, we are well placed to serve the rapidly growing demand for low-cost travel. “We see …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 18, 2015
Engineering construction workers are lobbying for a four-day week as the country’s new nuclear building programme is set to start. The call forms part of a pay and conditions claim put forward by the Unite and GMB unions under the National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry (NAECI). The latest NAECI claim for “2016 and beyond” calls for wide-reaching reforms of the sector following growing unrest among the workforce. The unions warn of “the threat to stable labour relations in this important industry in delivering the next generation of low-carbon energy projects on which the rest of the UK economy is dependent.” They are now demanding a “substantial” pay increase and a reduction in the current working week from 38 hours to 34 hours. The …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 16, 2015
An Oldham building firm has been fined £50,000 after a friend of a worker suffered life-changing injuries when he fell from the second floor of a partially built house. The 53-year-old, from Oldham, who has asked not to be named, suffered brain damage and spinal injuries in the fall, and will require care for the rest of his life. Global Constructions (Northwest) Ltd was prosecuted by the HSE following an investigation into the incident on Frederick Street in Oldham on 16 September 2013. Manchester Crown Court heard the company had been building twelve large houses when a friend of one of the workers came onto the site. He could not find anyone in the site cabin and so went over to a detached house where two workers …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 10, 2015
Work may not get underway on thousands of sites during the next five years as the construction skills shortage intensifies. That’s the alarmist message from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who are warning that 27,000 projects a year could be hit by 2019. More than four fifths (85%) of surveyors questioned said that a lack of qualified candidates meant they had problems recruiting. That is leading to paid work being turned down by many companies. Around two in five (43%) surveying firms currently turn down new business opportunities due to a lack of skilled workers – with each of them passing up an average of five contracts per year. The problem looks set to peak in the next five years, with a further 11% of the …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 9, 2015
February, 2015 – Breyer Group has revealed how TomTom Telematics technology and its partnership with HDI-Gerling Insurance Company has led to fleet insurance savings of £60,000 in just 12 months. The building contractor made the savings across its 200-strong fleet by using driver behaviour monitoring tools to underpin a three-year risk management programme with HDI-Gerling. “By meeting targets to reduce the frequency and severity of motor claims in the last 12 months, we have benefitted from a 20 per cent premium reduction,” said Breyer Group finance manager Nigel Wood. “We’ll benefit from further savings again next year if we continue to hit our performance targets.” WEBFLEET, TomTom Telematics’ fleet management platform, allows Breyer to monitor and profile the performance of its van and car drivers with data …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
February 2, 2015
National contractor Shaylor Group announced recently that contracts have been signed for the construction of Cedars Hall, a new music and performance facility at Wells Cathedral School. The multi-million pound building will provide flexible, high quality recital space and sectional practice rooms for use by the school and wider community. The stylish building, designed by internationally acclaimed architect Eric Parry, will be placed in the centre of the school and, in addition to music, will be used for lectures, meetings and drama productions. Wells Cathedral School is one of the UK’s most distinguished co-educational Independent schools, and one of only four specialist music schools in England. The recital hall will accommodate an audience of up to 350 and is recessed into the surrounding garden, which is …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
January 30, 2015
ON her latest visit to the University of Huddersfield, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal hailed its recent successes. “What you have achieved here is remarkable,” she said, as she carried out the official opening of the new Student Central building. The Princess was introduced by the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bob Cryan, who said that the past year had been the most amazing since the institution’s origins in 1825. He cited a string of awards, including the University of the Year, top place in a Best University Workplace Survey, plus an award for Best Estates and Facilities. Also, the findings of an international survey had just placed Huddersfield at fifth in the world for student experience. Inviting Her Royal Highness to open Student Central, Professor Cryan …
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