Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
May 1, 2015
The University of Liverpool has gained planning permission for a £90m student accommodation scheme at its Greenbank halls. The job, which will be run by the University of Liverpool Construction Company Special Projects team, involves building new halls of residence, demolishing old ones and refurbishing Derby Hall. Its in-house construction team was formed at the time of the collapse of student accommodation specialist Ocon to finish a major student hall project at the university. The latest student village scheme will deliver 1,370 new or refurbished rooms in total and include a two-storey sports hall. It forms part of a £250m masterplan by the university to build and upgrade accommodation at its city and Mossley Hill base. New housing blocks are to be set around three …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 27, 2015
The first rugby match has already been held at the Olympic Stadium after construction workers on the site staged an impromptu match. The workers were spurred into action during a visit by England’s Jason Robinson and New Zealand’s Robbie Hunter-Paul to promote the upcoming autumn international Rugby League series. Balfour Beatty staff persuaded the rugby legends to head-up two teams who battled it out on a makeshift pitch in the middle of the construction site. The first – and winning – try at the stadium was scored by Robinson as England notched-up a rare victory over the Kiwis. Stuart Fraser, Stadium Project Director from Balfour Beatty, said: “We knew Jason and Robbie were coming down to see the Stadium’s progress and as quite a …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 24, 2015
UCATT general secretary Steve Murphy is understood to have offered his resignation as a financial crisis engulfs the union. It is understood that Murphy tendered his resignation yesterday. But members of the UCATT executive council are understood to have persuaded Murphy to take a month off on sick-leave instead. A UCATT spokesperson said: “Steve Murphy is currently on sick leave”. The latest blow comes as the union is facing a major redundancy programme in a bid to save money. One union expert said: “UCATT is in crisis and this is just the latest blow. “It has been spending more money that it has been getting in for some time now and the whole situation is now coming to a head.” We understand that UCATT still …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 22, 2015
Developer Derwent London has selected Brookfield Multiplex as its preferred bidder to deliver its most ambitious London development project later this year. Sources close to the project said that Brookfield Multiplex has beaten rivals Bam Construct and Mace to the 367,000 st ft mixed-use development at 80 Charlotte Street in Fitzrovia. The building contract is expected to be worth around £125m when finalised before work starts during the second half of the year. Derwent put the project on hold in July 2013, after advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi, which has occupied the building since 1975, delayed its move away from the property. But it has now set a date to start work on the office, residential and retail project, which has been designed by architects Make. The project will be part …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 20, 2015
Shepherd Construction staff are braced for a major round of redundancies as bosses at the firm prepare to rescale the business. Up to 180 jobs could be at risk with the bulk of the cuts focused on back-office staff. Employees were told of the plans late last week and a redundancy consultation exercise is now underway. Mark Perkins, Shepherd’s CEO, said “The executive board is currently reviewing the Shepherd Construction business, with a view to establishing the right scale and platform for future growth and sustainability. “As part of the review, a formal 45 day collective consultation process with employees within Shepherd Construction and the divisional support teams commenced on 1st April, to assess current resources. “We must ensure that Shepherd Construction operates as efficiently as possible to meet …
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HunBuild Ltd
April 15, 2015
Foam Fabricators Soundproofing your home
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 14, 2015
According to a new study, the majority of polled young Britons were unable to correctly identify differences between various sectors within the construction industry. ‘Welders’, ‘Glaziers’ and ‘Dredgers’ were revealed as the roles in the construction industry which Britons had the biggest problem identifying. New research conducted by a leading business insurance website in the UK has revealed how well-known different trades within the industry are. Looking to uncover the levels of awareness of the construction industry amongst the general public, the survey revealed that the majority of young Britons today are not sure what different roles entail. The team at polled a total of 2,039 participants, all of whom were aged 18-35 years old, for the purposes of the study. There was an even …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 13, 2015
The Football Association is preparing to pick a squad of contractors to deliver a £200m building programme of new sports changing rooms across the country. The four-year grass-roots community programme will typically involve projects worth between £300k and £1m depending on size and scope of each facility. Under present plans it will invite tenders in June with the aim of selecting contractors to start the improvement programme next April. Before that the FA, together with The Football Foundation and The English Sports Council, is undertaking a soft market testing exercise and contractors’ day. This will help to judge the best route for procurement and explore the market appetite for delivering the programme using modular buildings, although it remains open to more traditional methods …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 10, 2015
The distinct joint venture business aims to harness Gentoo’s reach into social housing with Newcastle-based Tolent’s project management and construction expertise. The new company Gentoo Tolent is registered at Gentoo’s Sunderland head quarters and began business yesterday. Steve Lanaghan, Executive Director of Gentoo Group said: “Tolent is a highly respected and experienced construction company, with whom we have enjoyed an excellent working relationship. “The joint venture will enable both organisations to share skills and knowledge in different and complementary areas of work. With a number of synergies between our businesses, this partnership will create a sustainable regional business with an enhanced offer to the market.” John Wood, Chair of Tolent said:“This is a great opportunity to boost the strengths of both companies and develop …
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Building Construction
HunBuild Ltd
April 8, 2015
Researchers at a leading business insurance website have revealed that as many as three quarters of construction workers agree with random drug testing whilst on site. Furthermore, the majority of respondents stated that they would feel a lot safer and more secure if employees operated under rules in which they could be tested and dismissed at any point if they were proved to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A leading business insurance website in the UK has decided to investigate random drug testing on construction sites, following recent reports of a legal case won by a bus driver who lost his job after failing a drugs test, when he’d actually done nothing except handle some banknotes contaminated with cocaine. The team at www.constructaquote….
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