8 Router Bits & Accessories For ALL DIYers

8 Router Bits & Accessories for all DIYers
Whether you are a seasoned DIYer, donning your tool belt or a novice who chooses their tool belt based on the cool logo it holds, there are some pieces of equipment that everyone who is worth their salt should know about.
Working on the assumption that you already have the raw materials, we welcome new and experienced DIYers alike to our countdown of what bits you need to complete your tool box, from money saving essentials to the stuff that makes you look like a pro:
Coming in at Number 8
Looking to make your money go the extra mile? This dry lubricant spray will increase your tool life, making your saw blade and cutters live on much longer than expected. Unlike the tool cleaner which prevents rust and corrosion, this cleans away resin residue which, in novice terms, is a good thing.
Number 7
Never again will you reach for a particular bit and realise you have lost it. Keep all your bits in one place with this Trend Snappy tool holder that can hold up to 32 bits and will fit perfectly onto your existing tool belt.
Number 6
It’s simple, is effective and it’s something that everyone should own but may not particularly think of; it’s tool and bit cleaning products.Coming in different sizes, you need to be able to start your task with good, clean equipment in good repair. This will keep your router bits rust-free and ready for action, optimising your bit life and saving you pennies over the years.
Number 5
Blunt tools are about as much use as no tools at all; we introduce the Diamond stone. Small yet effective, this is easily transportable so you will never again have to worry about being stuck with a redundant piece of equipment while working.
There is a wide range throughout the Trend-Direct website, but we recommend credit card double sided diamond stone for keeping your router bits in tip-top condition.
Number 4
This Varijig system adjustable frame will give you the freedom to cut to whatever framework you need; provided that framework has four corners. Whether that is a traditional square or a modern rectangle, you won’t go wrong with this little extra.
Number 3
Doors will be at your mercy with this hinge recessing jig; this piece of equipment is easy to assemble and easy to use producing quality workmanship and making you look like a pro. This is perfect for the DIYer who is looking to renovate their home with a personal touch.
Number 2
And now for our penultimate piece. No more battling with flat-pack furniture with the Mortise and Tenon Jig. You will be able to design, customise and create your own furniture. It is what every DIYer dreams of and can now be a reality.
And finally…….in at Number 1
The moment you have all been waiting for. If you are looking to treat yourself or take the next step in DIY godliness, then look no further than the Router Kitbox; you’ll get far more done, with this lean, mean cutting machine.
So there you have it folks, 10 router bits and accessories that every DIYer should know about – from seasoned DIYers who want to challenge themselves, to the noble novices who are just getting started. If you’d rather browse the range, start here.
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