6 Things to do Before starting a property renovation in Scotland

6 Things to do Before starting a property renovation in Scotland

While a home refurbishment project can be an exciting proposition, without proper planning it can easily become a nightmare. There are numerous pitfalls associated with home renovation if you fail to prepare properly. These range from hiring unreliable and poor quality tradesmen to going way over your budget.
If you want to ensure your renovation runs as smoothly as possible it is imperative you prepare thoroughly. Here are a list of things you should do before beginning any refurbishment to avoid causing yourself a whole host of problems.
Spend Time Reviewing the Space
When doing a renovation project many people can’t wait to get onto to the exciting part like choosing décor, lighting and furnishings. However, this is something that is better done later on in the project. Quite often the colour scheme and lighting you have set your heart on may not complement the space you are renovating. It is better to wait till you are further into the refurbishment when you can see colours on walls and assess things like natural light. By doing this you can avoid many of those back to the drawing board moments that occur in a lot of renovations.
Set a Realistic Timeline
It is not unusual for renovation projects to take longer than expected. Things like the unavailability of tradesmen and materials can cause your project to be delayed. It is important therefore that when you are planning any renovation project you set a realistic timeline and build in some contingency for unforeseen issues. That way you can avoid the frustrations that come with things not being completed on time.
Expect the Unexpected
Lots of houses have hidden secrets that come to light during the course of a renovation project. If you don’t plan ahead these issues can be both inconvenient and expensive. One way to avoid this is by planning extra time into your renovation timeline and a contingency in your budget. This will allow you to be prepared for any unforeseen mishaps.
Take Care When Choosing Contractors
The quality and success of any renovation can be dependent on the contractor you choose to undertake the work. It pays therefore to take time a do some diligent research when selecting your builder. You need to take relevant time to ensure that any contractor has both the skills and experience to complete your project. One of the best ways of doing this is by word of mouth. By choosing a contractor with a good local reputation you can have peace of mind that your project will be in good hands. If word of mouth is not possible then use things like internet reviews to check out prospective workmen, also being a member of a professional association is usually a good sign. We would advise that you ask to see examples of work they have completed most reputable builders will be happy to do this, if they cannot or make excuses then alarm bells should start to ring.
Set a Budget
It goes without saying that you must set yourself a realistic budget for your renovation. Before starting you need to cost out everything to ensure you fully understand the total cost of the project. As mentioned earlier it is always advisable to build in a contingency to your budget for unexpected issues. However you need to ensure that you have taken into account the cost of all major parts of your project. It is vitally important that you agree a cost with your builder prior to the commencement of the project and get any quotes in writing and formally agreed. Also make sure any additional work required by your builder is signed off by you before being done. All this will allow you to keep your budget under control and avoid any big overspend.
When renovating the exterior of any property especially upper floors and roofs it is likely you will need to employ the services of professional scaffolders. Erecting scaffolding in Edinburgh around any property can come with problems if not done properly. The very nature of scaffolding means that it is subject to a number of health and safety regulations. It is vitally important that you select a professional scaffolding company to ensure that your project can be completed safely and in a way that causes minimal disruption to you and any neighbouring homes or businesses.
Here at Check it Scaffolding our services is not strictly limited to Edinburgh, we have provided scaffolding for all manner of commercial and domestic refurbishment projects throughout Scotland. So, if you are in need of scaffolders in Glasgow we can help.
While there is no 100% guarantee that your renovation project will go without a hitch, taking some of the steps we have outlined above will definitely minimise any risks associated with any refurbishment.
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